Month: July 2017


The following was written by a dear friend of mine, whom I have known since my U.S. Navy days ~ way back when our country really was GREAT & then President Ronald Reagan led the American People with strength and our Military respectfully as Commander in Chief.  Then President Reagan, vowed to destroy the “Evil Empire” (referring of course, to the Iron Curtain countries) and low & behold~ the Berlin Wall came down & the Soviet Union was abolished by 1989. Indeed, with regard to his “Peace through Strength” doctrine, President Reagan responded to the Iranian attack on the USS Samuel B. Roberts, sailing in open waters of the Persian Gulf on 14 April 1988 with his approval of “Operation Praying Mantis“.

Mr. Reagan said, “They must know that we will protect our ships, and if they threaten us, they will pay a price.”

Operation Praying Mantis remains the largest surface battle engaged in by the U.S. Navy since World War II, and its outcome was decisive. According to official reports released afterward, using a combination of anti-ship missiles, naval gunfire, and aircraft launched from several ships, including the aircraft carrier the USS Enterprise, the Navy destroyed 2 oil platforms used by Iran for intelligence collection, sank 4 small Iranian Navy boats, sank an Iranian frigate, and severely damaged another Iranian warship.

But that was all on April 18, 1988. Back when the United States believed in delivering swift, decisive responses to enemy provocations. ~ JGT

FACEBOOK POST: February 16, 2017 by John M. Grashof, SMC, USN-Retired

What a bunch of crap. We get a guy in the white house who wants to do the right thing………and he gets attacked from all sides. Be it popular vote, electoral vote………..Trump won. He wants what the voters wanted. A wall. Keep possible terrorists out of the country. A better health plan that benefits EVERYONE. Better care for Veterans. Better jobs. Better pay. A fair trade deal with our trading partners, a stronger military……..The side show is the media, congress and the senate. The idiots in congress and senate say “We were here before he got here, and will be here after he leaves”………I get it. Checks and balances. But my gawd………….if its a good deal, makes sense, helps our economy, helps job growth, and is nothing but positive………..then for crying out loud…………..either reconsider your vote for scumbags like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and all the other dopes that do nothing but hinder progress………..and make your voice heard loud and strong. TRUMP COULD CARE LESS ABOUT ANY RICHES HE GETS FROM HIS ELECTION. HE RAN BECAUSE HE THOUGHT HE COULD DO SOME GOOD……………Both parties are up in arms over Trumps decisions to date. Keep in mind. Not every senator, not every congressman are playing with a full deck. Trump admonished both senate and congress as being “DO NOTHINGS”……..He is right !!!!!!! They don’t do squat !!!! To them, its a lifelong career…….Its a good ole boy organization…….

I implore all those, that take sides in this political forum, go back some years and understand what this country is about………..and understand what has taken place to undermine our political system. Right is right, and wrong is wrong. God in our schools is right.. God out of our schools is wrong…….5 signs to say where one can pee is wrong, 2 signs to say where one can pee is right.

The sanctitity of the police in our society and what they stand for is good……..the notion that they are our enemies is bad.

The USA religion: Its Christianity. Our language is English. Abide, or feel free to find a better place to speak your language or practice your religion……..Why do the majority of this country have to cowtow to the minority ? …………What happened that the majority have to feel oppressed over their beliefs, and this “feel good society” has taken the front seat ? Seriously, whose toes are we stepping on ?………..Go to Iran, go to the majority of the middle east countries and practice your religion, your rights your beliefs as you do here in the USA and see what happens.

Back to Trump. He doesn’t need this headache. Guaranteed. He doesn’t. He has ALL he needs. He’s merely trying to do the right thing. Make America Great Again. Notice, there is no “Apology Tour” ?………He actually feels America is a great country. He said he would do what the voters wanted him to do…….but he has to deal with the “SWAMP”……..He is right !!! Washington is the Swamp !…….

He irks the GOP as well as the Dems. Its a power struggle.

This nation is divided. For sure. Over ideology. Over lots of stuff.

I know that a president cannot simply rule based on executive orders. Its not what our nation was built on. We need congress and the senate to play fair with the president. I’m not seeing this. What I’m seeing is many playing a power play……which may or may not be to the betterment of our country…..

In closing, please pray in earnest for this president. Please pray in earnest for this country. We are a diverse nation, many backgrounds, many various beliefs, etc……but, I believe this country has a guy in office right now who wants nothing but the best for this country……..Give Him the Support that he needs. He is less than 30 days in office and has been thru the ringer. Cut him some slack……..Pray for him that he sees his way thru the mud and slime and can make good on his promises.


Thanks, John;  for allowing me to post your patriotic opinion on my website. Affectionately, Dorian~